[FANCAMS+TRANS] Shanghai Super Show 08.11.22

Fan Cams:

thanks millions of times to pri3an@soompi.com who collected 64 FCs & uploaded on her YT channel


Fan Account:

Starting soon, even though the lights are out, but the neon lights are lighting up the arena……fans are screaming non-stop

It’s starting right now
The intro is over
The sound is very low

Right now it’s “Rock This House”

“Rock This House” just ended, now they’re playing VCR from before DD.
VCR is the same as the concert in Seoul

They finished “Rock This House,” and started “Don’t Don”

Henry appeared!!! From the scaling ladder, with his head lowered
The whole place is shouting “From Leeteuk to Kyuhyun”
We’re shouting “Jiayou!!!”
Everyone is shouting “Don’t Don”

Don’t Don done

VCR before A Man in Love

AMIL soon

AMIL starts

Kibum is on the lift right now, the whole place is giving one orderly cheer

Playing VCR
The whole place is going crazy……

Starting to sing “Mirror”

“Mirror” is done

Other tidbits (from 溺爱):
Han Geng and Heechul high-fived each other during “Rock This House”
Heechul showed his shoulders during “Twins”
The classic “face each other and shake” move in AMIL resurfaced
Yesung’s right hand was wrapped with white bandage

They’re gretting the fans, Han Geng is speaking Chinese

“She’s Gone” started, many fans are singing along

Other tidbits:
Donghae stood beside Heechul
He’s very bewitching
Exercising really paid off
He has nice muscles

She’s Gone
Everyone’s waving the lightsticks together. Update on greetings order: Leeteuk first, Kibum second, then it was Eunhyuk

Addition-Donghae’s introduction
Are you guys happy? I’m also very happy. Hello everyone, I’m Donghae

Other tidbits (from Baidu SJ Bar):
19:56 Donghae stripped
19:58 Kangin stripped, Siwon showed his chest
19:58 AMIL… Heechul and Kibum had a couple moment…..

Donghae is waving to the fans

Donghae and Kibum are acting weird
You’re My Endless Love

Other tidbits:
19:46 Becoming a beast as soon as he stood on the stage, Lee Donghae stripped
19:47 Heechul acted cute by putting his pinky on his chin
19:47 Kyuhyun’s sexy dance appears, it’s even better than before
19:48 Kangin stripped too…. HeeHae hugging…Kibum stripped…Siwon stripped too
19:50 It’s done, everyone’s in a rush to pick up their clothes, playing the coming out of bath tub VCR
19:55 They’ve come out after changing their clothes…Mirror starts, the whole place is screaming Yesung’s name
19:58 Eunhae came out and then walked back…entering from the lift, Lee Donghae singing very passionately
19:59 Greeting the fans right now
20:00 Teuk said “I miss you guys” Hyuk said “I love you guys”
20:02 Everyone introduced hismelf, Heechul is very excited, Donghae asked “Are you guys happy?”
20:08 Next is “You’re My Endless Love…” who place shouting “saranghae”
20:04 Kyuhyun, Donghae, Sungmin, Yesung, Ryeowook and Kangin on stage

Gengchul danced with each other!!!!! Dancing out on the edge

Heechul took a sunflower and wrapped it around his neck again

KRY sprayed water on the inner stage =V= Cute kids Ryeowook still having difficulties moving around

Donghae’s My Everything

Other tidbits:
During Don’t Don, Heechul took off his clothes, Gengchul danced with each other and then Geng also stripped, so did Kangin. During AMIL, Han Geng and Heechul were hugging, couple moment~~~
During “My Everything,” Donghae pointed to the big screen and said “That’s my dad” when it showed a photo of Donghae and his father

Kangin, Siwon, Sungmin and their “Luxembourg”

The next performance is Henry’s violin solo!

Henry’s solo, ELF are shouting “Protect the 13,” we’re shouting “jiayou!!!”

SJ-M’s “Me”

Other tidbits:
At 20:01, Yesung’s ear microphone broke

“Me” is done

They’re starting to sing “Ai Ni Ai Ni”

“Ai Ni Ai Ni” is done

Other tidbits:
During “Dancing Out” GengChul were randomly dancing, and then GengChulWon started randomly dancing, Leeteuk was rolling on the floor
Heechul wore the sunflower from 9.13 on his neck
Heechul was acting crazy in the front, and then he ran away


ok so yeah, there’s loads more…

I did this really late last night so there’s probably lots of errors… oh well. =.=

This is just a text version of what happened. It is an exclusive… so can’t take the full thing out. I translated the whole concert part but not the pre- or post-concert parts yet.

Anyway, the full translated version is here but you have to register… And… the instructions are here for non-Chinese readers.

CR: xcloundyx@soompi.com + EverLastingFriends

~ by gorgeous18 on November 24, 2008.

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